
Friday, October 25, 2013

Pregnancy: Weeks 24 & 28

Pregnancy Update

I haven't had time to document every single week like I originally thought I would, so I decided that I will only be updating every 4 weeks for the remainder of the pregnancy. It will be a lot easier to keep up with that way, and I will still have something to look back on later. I feel like this pregnancy is flying by so much more quickly than my first!

The following pictures were all taken within the last few weeks:

The top pictures are from our most recent family vacation to Florida. 
(In the first one, Ryan is pretending that there is a baby in his belly too! hehe.) 
In the bottom pictures, notice my rapidly growing belly. What a difference a couple of weeks makes!

Week 24:

Baby’s development:
-baby is moving quickly and frequently
-taste buds are more sensitive and can experience foods that mother has eaten
-sense of sight is developed enough to determine between light and dark
-eyelashes and eyebrows are well-formed
-skin is loose and reddish because of the developing blood vessels underneath
-face is almost fully formed to what it will look like at birth

Pregnancy symptoms:
-Braxton Hicks (false contractions)
-back ache



-yes, especially when I lay down at night

Gender: boy

Total weight gain/loss: +14

Belly button in or out? in

Best moment of the week: celebrating Ryan's 3rd birthday with so many of our wonderful friends and family last weekend

Looking forward to: our upcoming vacation to south Florida to visit Ryan's grandparents and to show Ryan the place we got married

Week 28:

Baby’s development:
-retina has developed and eyes are opening and closing
-baby is able to dream, blink, and cough
-brain wave activity is increasing
-baby can likely recognize mommy and daddy’s voices
-taste buds are even more sensitive
-baby is gaining more body fat

Pregnancy symptoms: 
-heartburn and indigestion
-feet and hands falling asleep
-back ache
-sensitivity to smells (good and bad)

-everything (huge appetite increase this week)


-LOTS of movement all of the time. I love it... this is my favorite part of pregnancy!

Gender: boy

Total weight gain/loss: +20

Belly button in or out? still an innie (barely. it is almost flat)

Best moment of the week: passing my Glucose Tolerance Test and seeing our sweet boy up close in a 3D/4D ultrasound

Looking forward to: being a parent chaperone on Ryan's first field trip with his school

Baby Henry's 3D/4D Ultrasound:

We can't wait to meet you in just a couple of months, little one. You look so sweet already. You are so very loved! xo