
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life Update (Past Two Months)

Anybody who knows me, knows that I am always busy. I have a million to-do lists, projects, and ideas floating around my head at any given moment. I can not even remember the last time that I was bored. It perpetually feels like there is not enough time in each day (or month, or year) to do everything that I want to do.

These past two months took being busy to a whole new level. It took us a full 8 weeks to unpack and organize everything into our new house. Half of our rooms are still not decorated to the point that I would like them to be, so I will probably be waiting a while before I post pictures of our place. I was also consumed with my final clinical practicum class for grad school, which took up every moment of my free time between unpacking and entertaining Ryan. Whew!

Before the Andrew McMahon (Jack's Mannequin) concert.

We did manage to throw some fun into our lives during this crazy season. And, of course, I was sure to capture my favorite moments on camera. We were blessed to have tons of family and friends come to visit us over the past few weeks. Here is a collage of some of my recent Instagram photos:

If you are on Instagram, follow me @ Dana52084 
I recently changed my profile to private, but I will be sure to accept!   =)

My Best Friend's Bridal Shower and Wedding

You may remember that a while back (has it really been 2 years?) I wrote about being a bridesmaid in my best friend, K's wedding. Well, last month, our other best friend, J, got married too! I was so excited to be a bridesmaid (for probably the last time) and to help plan her tea-party themed bridal shower. I was responsible for making deviled eggs and also the decorations, including banners, place cards, and favors.

We also brought a variety of pictures to put together into a memory-filled scrapbook for J.

Here we are, my best girlfriends since high school: K, E (8 months pregnant!), J and me:

For the bridal shower favors, I chose three different types of tea leaves from Teavana and put them into little tea bags with colorful ribbons that corresponded with which type of tea was inside. I made tags with a stamp and wrote the amount of time and temperature to heat each tea on the back of each tag. The guests were also encouraged to take home a small tea cup, which J's sister found at various thrift shops. I think that the favors table turned out just how we envisioned it.

J and B's wedding was remarkably sophisticated and I loved how they added so many special personal touches and details. It was by far one of my favorite weddings that I have ever attended! We stayed the weekend at the inn where the wedding was held, so Ryan even got to participate in the festivities late into the night. I couldn't believe it when he asked me if he could "take a little rest on the couch" and then proceeded to fall asleep right there in the middle of the reception. What a good little boy we have!

Newborn Baby E

Our other best friend, E, recently gave birth to her first baby. After visiting and holding sweet little E, I now definitely have baby fever because she is just too adorable! Why do newborn babies always smell so good anyways? Ryan had such a fun time playing in E's huge basement that he didn't want to leave.

My 29th Birthday

Among all of the chaos of these past months, I decided that I wanted a low-key birthday celebration this year, which turned out to be perfect and relaxing! I walked around the harbor with my two favorite boys, and then we ate dinner at a delicious seafood restaurant on the water. After going through cancer and wondering if I would make it, birthdays have taken on a whole new meaning for me. I am so incredibly grateful for another year of my life. Rather than being embarrassed of my age or the inevitability of getting older, I am soooo thankful for each and every birthday. I hope to experience at least 50 more of them!

My Grad School Graduation Day

I began grad school in 2009, before Barry and I even got married. I took classes while working as a 2nd grade teacher, during my mom's cancer diagnosis, throughout my pregnancy, my diagnosis, (I did take a short break during chemo), my double mastectomy surgeries, raising a baby/toddler, my mom's passing away, moving to our house, and up through this past month. Words can not express how happy I am to finally be done and how proud I am of myself for sticking it out and staying focused on my classes despite the many obstacles. I am so grateful to have had Barry and Ryan by my side through everything. AND I am so pleased to graduate with straight A's! I just know that my mom is smiling down on me. I miss her so much and my heart aches daily, but I know that I am living the life that she would want me to live. I thank God for all of the strength and blessings that He has given to our family, and for all of the special people that He has put into my life.

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.  ~Romans 8:28