
Monday, February 25, 2013

Exciting News and February Festivities

So... I will begin with the news, so that everyone doesn't have to wait until the end of the post to find out:

After living in our tiny apartment for 5 years and house-hunting for the past 2 years, we have finally found somewhere to call home that we absolutely love. We actually started building our new house back in October, and I have been taking pictures of every step of the process (which I will share with you in an upcoming post). It has been quite a journey, and it has required a lot of patience, but we are finally going to settlement this week and have the actual move-in date scheduled for next week. Yay! Ryan will finally get his own bedroom (he currently sleeps in the living/dining/play room with Lucky), and we are all looking forward to having some more space.

We have stayed busy throughout this month, preparing for our move and spending some time with our wonderful friends here in MoCo. I feel like February has flown by way too quickly. In the beginning of the month, my friend T hosted a sweet Valentine's Day party where we set up a miniature "photo booth" and took pictures of all of us mommies with our littles.

Afterwards, I took Ryan to play at the park (yes, he was the only child on the playground with a tie, but I thought that it was adorable) and then we went out to dinner at a restaurant with daddy.

I recently posted this on my facebook page (sorry for the repeat) but I just have to say that I truly love Ryan’s personality. It is such a blessing to have the opportunity to get to know him as a unique and individual person. He is constantly changing and growing and, every day, we fall in love with him all over again. Babyhood was wonderful, but this stage is by far my favorite because it is the most exciting and rewarding. Mommy and daddy love you so much, sweet boy! 

When I was digging through some boxes the other day, I came across some of my old baby clothes that my mom had saved. Most of them were frilly dresses, but this one sweater caught my eye because it looked like it could pass for "boy" colors. It was clearly handmade, and the tag inside said that it was made by my grandma D. Since she is turning 80 years old next month, I decided to take some pictures of her great-grandson in the sweater and to surprise her with them.  

My friend K arranged for our playgroup to have a tour of the local fire department. It was a huge hit, since it was basically a large-scale version of their regular play. The kids got to climb all over the fire trucks and ambulances. They even got to sit inside and pretend to drive them. It was all free, but they warned us that at any time, they may have to stop the tour short if they got a call that an emergency happened. (Well, uhh yeah.. I guess so!) Nothing happened, so we ended up spending about an hour there exploring and talking to some of the fire fighters about their job.

When Ryan was born in 2010, I was the only one out of my close friends to have a baby. They were all so very supportive and sweet to Ryan, but most of them worked and/or lived far away. During months 4 through 9 of Ryan's life, I was getting chemo and was in and out of the hospital for my mom and for myself. After I got better, I thought that it would be fun to meet some other new mommies, and to do baby-related activities with them. (Especially for stay-at-home moms, I would highly recommend getting involved with other people who are like you and creating a support system.) I have been very blessed to find two groups of mommies who I have grown very close to. We meet regularly for playgroups, and we also host parties, attend community events, and enjoy mom's night out. I am going to miss these amazing ladies sooo much after we move!

Friday Playgroup

Wednesday Playgroup

Although I know that we won't be able to attend as many of their social events as we did while we lived here, I am comforted to know that we will only be living about an hour away. (Thankfully, we are not moving across the country or anything like that.) I hope that our friends will drive over to visit us, and I know that we will be stopping in for visits every once in a while too.

There is so much to look forward to in the next couple of months, not only for us, but for some of my best friends: J is getting married in April, K will be visiting from CA in April/May, and E is due to have her first baby in May! It is all too exciting and I can't wait!


  1. I have already commented on all of your other photos on facebook but I could not resist saying that I LOVE the pictures of Ryan in the sweater you wore that was made by your grandma! He looks adorable in it and that is so incredibly meaningful. I can't wait to see you in April AND May!!! <3

  2. @Karen- Thank you! I thought that it was a special thing to find. I'm so excited for BOTH of your upcoming visits!!!
